In this blog entry I just wanted to show everyone how much Stronger I am than Katrin...Actually, we went on our first family pumpkin patch trip. Katrin went with us and was very excited to get into the spirit of Halloween like a true American as its not widely celebrated in Germany. We went to the aptly named, Mount Si nursery, as you can see in the background. We spent an hour or so comparing our Pumpkin treasures until we decided on 5 worthy candidates to take home. Once there We exposed Katrin to the art of cutting

holes into a giant orange squash...or 'Pumpkin Carving' as its also know. Well, my tutelage became rapidly unnecessary as Katrin took to carving her first pumpkin like second nature as you can see by the results. She chose the more conventional 'Jack-O-Lantern' approach, while Julie and I tried our luck at some of the more sophisticated designs from a book. That's my Alien on the left, Julie's ghost is in the center and Katrin's is on the right. All in all, it was a valiant effort on everyone's part and we were all very proud. However, our timing was a little premature as this morning I finally had to scrape off the rotten remains

of our beautiful creations before the trick-or-treaters got to see them. Oh well, it was still fun. Then we capped off the day with a nice dinner and Pumpkin Cheesecake for dessert...Mmmmmmmm!