Friday, October 31, 2008

Georgia's Speaks!!!

This just in!!! Georgia has spoken her first word(s)... And, as I'm sure, much to the surprise of everyone the word was "GAAGAOIEOWAGAE". We're still not quite sure the language of origin, but we think it comes from an ancient Gaelic dialect. We've narrowed down the meaning to either "I'm hungry Mom...give me milk!" or "Dad, you need to shave 'cause you're scratching my face...". Its now just a matter of time before she starts speaking English or even Danish but, while we have the opportunity, the two of us have taken up this rare language in an attempt to communicate with Georgia more clearly. So far the results have varied... And if her speaking skills weren't enough, she's also showing signs of super human strength every time she kicks dad in the gut while he holds her upright on his lap...OUCH!!! Anyways, I thought everyone would be excited to hear the wonderful news of little Georgia's amazing talents.